Happy 4th To All Y'all!!

I hope your holiday was wonderful! We tackled the most recent 5 tubs of tomatoes that we had readied for making tomatoe sauce on the 3rd. It ended up being 98 Cups of tomatoes! Just to give you an idea of how much we had to cook down...my huge spaghetti pot held 20 Cups, leaving room for the green & red peppers and onions. All in all, it cooked all day in three roaster pots. Then we were ready to jar it up and process it. The total came to 24 quarts of tomatoe juice and 17 quarts & 14 pints of tomatoe sauce. It turned out way better than last years. Soooooooooo tired! We went nowhere, but watched three great celebration shows on TV...just beautiful! Carole and Robert took Tyler to see the fireworks display and that sweet boy stayed up until nearly 10:30 with hardly a whine. Of course, once back home, he promptly caved in to his tiredness.
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