Saturday, September 24, 2005

Paul McCartney IS!

I've heard some flack of late from people who think that it's ridiculous that Paul McCartney has done a commercial. He doesn't *need* the money they say. I had no clue what the Hell they were talking about...until now. I just saw the Fidelity commercial, stating that Paul McCartney is a prime example of this and that. A major investor, a major buiness man, etc. Well! He IS!!! And as all those things, who else would THEY want to represent THEIR business??? Certainly not "the Donald". He's so on and off. McCartney IS the epitome of a good business man. He's totally made it and he continues to make it. So what's the beef??? Why would people sink so low as to admonish someone for doing what they do best? Is it jealousy? Maybe. I say Good Job Paul! And I don't just say it because I admire and respect him, I say it because it's true. That's my take on it.


Blogger Carole said...

I don't know exactly how to get across this "inflection" in my voice when I say "yeah!!!!" but hopefully if you know me well enough, you'll hear it. :) The media just really piss me off sometimes.

10:46 PM  

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