Thursday, April 27, 2006

"Mercy" - torture & death suspect in custody

Thank God they located the person that tortured that 10-month old pup. I certainly hope it IS the person that did it and I certainly hope more that they sentence him to the maximum and lock his extremely sick ass up for a LONG time. The information, before I went to work this morning, was here
Mercy's Story

There is also a memorial being held at 10 am, this Saturday morning, at Operation Kindness in Carrollton, TX. I plan to be there not only because this type of thing needs to be supported and totally brought to the public eye, but because I care deeply about this. Apparently, I wasn't the only person who emailed or called the TV stations when news of this death was broadcast. The memorial was slated to just be for the staff at O.K., but changed to one for the public shortly after the airing.

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FREE as we know it now anyway. Check out the links on my sidebar to find out how we can all help!

Friday, April 14, 2006


  • WTF

  • The flooring is done; the carpet and moulding to hold back the carpet are done! It's now a matter of Fred doing his part and getting the 1/4 or 3/4 round mounding to finish everything off. He will also get the paint that I picked out and I can begin painting the accent wall I want. What I need to do is get Carole to take a picture of what it looks like now so I'll have a comparison. No problem with having pics of what the floor looked like B4...sad...but Hey! it's all over now!! doing my happy dance

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    Update on Painful Carpet Saga

    Well, yesterday was the day to finally finish the moulding that holds the carpet down to the flooring. The owner of the place actually came out. Apparently, that's who Fred is dealing with now. His name is J.R. (big surprise) and he will out again today after calling last night to make sure things were done. It seems that something isn't holding something because Tyler walked over to the moulding last night and simply picked up a piece! I'm telling's a wonder I'm not bald. Carole had already said that it was loose at the patio door. So...the finality of this whole ordeal is still not upon us.

    Monday, April 03, 2006

    Well Golly Gee !!!

    After waiting since Saturday morning, believe it or not, we're finally getting a kitchen floor installed! Yesterday I was so past livid that I painted my toenails just to divert my madness. It seems that on Saturday morning, the *only* installer (apparently) had the truck loaded to come here and got into a major wreck. You just know the flooring was ruined and the guy wound up in the hospital. So, all day it was phone calls back and forth inquiring when the Hell was someone coming out! Everything in the kitchen was in the family room all piled up. On Sunday morning - waiting again for the 7-9 appointment - things were still in an uproar. Mind you, Friday morning I had gone into day surgery to have 8 lumbar injections to try and get rid of my lower back pain. I was *supposed* to be resting and healing. Instead, the anxiety was killing me AND my blood pressure and I started washing down the kitchen walls. Why not??? There was nothing in the road! Fred did more than me and I did lay down periodically. To get back to Sunday one came by 0930, so Fred called the (closed) place and left a message. We decided to move everything back so that dinner could be prepared versus ordering in like the night before. Then we get a call from another manager of the store apologizing profusely and saying they would be here NOW! I said "Hell No!" I had already looked up Home Depots number and told Fred to call Citibank and cancel the payment to the flooring place and then call them. Instead, here comes the guys bringing all the flooring and piled that into the front room. Finally, after the "trial run" of taking all the stuff out and putting it all, they show up this morning. ARGH!! I can't drive until tomorrow anyway, so I decided to stay home from work and make sure shit is how I want it! Dammittt!! It's a good thing too because I wanted the planks going lenthwise from East to West on the kitchen floor and the guy said the material would go further if it was crossways. Ask me if I care?!?!?! It's going lengthwise...had I not been here, Fred would've just let that slide. I would've come home to an anal disaster! The damned laundry room floor AND the pantry floor are going lengthwise...that would have tightened my jaws to no end to have the floor itself crosswise. Get my drift? So far, it looks really nice. Time now to go lay down and relax and heal!
